
This breed originates from the Indo valley (Indian buffalo). There is some evidence that buffalo were raised in Lorestan (Iran) in the 9th Century B.C. since six engraved buffalo heads have been found on a bronze stick from this period.

Population size: 600 000

Description: Black in colour, short horns growing backwards

Height at withers of adult male is 137 cm; body weight is 400-600 kg.

Height at withers of adult female is 133 cm; body weight is 400-600 kg.

Distribution: In Iran, they are found in West Azerbaijan, East Azerbaijan and the Caspian Sea. In Azerbaijan, everywhere. In Georgia and Armenia, they were widespread until 1940, but then declined.

Husbandry: Housing differs from region to region. They are generally untethered in summer and tied up in winter. In some areas, milking females are tethered all year round. Average slaughter weight is 300 kg, at the age of 15 months. Carcass yield is 50 percent. Overall growth rate is 420 g/day.

Lactation duration : 200-220 days

Milk yield : 1200-1300 kg

Milk fat : 6.6 percent


Milk, yoghurt, fresh cream, fresh cheese, butter, ice-cream, rice pudding, churned yoghurt, dried whey, ghee. In Iran, the price of buffalo milk is twice that of cows’ milk. Buffalo skin is used in the leather industry. Buffalo manure is used for fuel in rural areas.

Sources: Latifova, 2000; Turabov, 1991; Turabov, 1997a, b; Naderfard and Qanemi, 1997; Marmarian, 2000; Qanemi 1998; Borghese, 2005.