Buffalo, a triple purpose animal producing milk, meat and draught power.The country has made a grand spectre on the World stage being top milk producer and leading meat exporter with crucial contribution of 71.3 Million tones milk (53 % of total) and 86 per cent of the exported meat from buffalo alone. Buffalo meat export earned foreign exchange to the tune of 26,000 crore rupees in 2013-14.This particular livestock species has immense potential for poverty alleviation and rural entrepreneurship. However, just like any other successful agribusiness enterprises, buffalo farming too needs a highly dedicated scientific advisory system for decision making support.
Buffalopedia is aimed at providing an internet accessible interactive multimedia instructional resource that will allow different stake holders in buffalo farming to use resources across the country in an integrated, interactive learning manner on the internet. It will provide a platform for both information retrieval and knowledge sharing among different stakeholders in buffalo farming from anywhere in the world.
Buffalo, a triple purpose animal producing milk, meat and draught power.The country has made a grand spectre on the World stage being top milk producer and leading meat exporter with crucial contribution of 71.3 Million tones milk (53 % of total) and 86 per cent of the exported meat from buffalo alone. Buffalo meat export earned foreign exchange to the tune of 26,000 crore rupees in 2013-14.This particular livestock species has immense potential for poverty alleviation and rural entrepreneurship. However, just like any other successful agribusiness enterprises, buffalo farming too needs a highly dedicated scientific advisory system for decision making support.
Buffalopedia is aimed at providing an internet accessible interactive multimedia instructional resource that will allow different stake holders in buffalo farming to use resources across the country in an integrated, interactive learning manner on the internet. It will provide a platform for both information retrieval and knowledge sharing among different stakeholders in buffalo farming from anywhere in the world
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